• Capurro, G. Dag, H., Longstaff, H., Secko, D. M. (2015). “The role of media references during public deliberation sessions,” Science Communication, 37(2): 240-269.
  • Longstaff, H., Secko, D.M., Capurro, G., Hanney, P., McIntyre, T. (2015). “Fostering citizen deliberations on the social acceptability of renewable fuels policy: The case of advanced lignocellulosic biofuels in Canada,” Biomass and Bioenergy, 74: 103-112.
  • Cunningham, S., O’Doherty, K., Sénécal, K., Secko, D.M., Avard, D. (2015). “Public Concerns Regarding the Storage and Secondary Uses of Residual Newborn Bloodspots: An Analysis of Print Media, Legal Cases and Public Engagement Activities,” Journal of Community Genetics, 6(2): 117-128.
  • Chuong, K. H., O’Doherty, K. C., Secko, D. M. (2015). “Media Discourse on the Social Acceptability of Fecal Transplants,” Qualitative Health Research, in press.


  • Amend, E., Capurro, G., Secko, D. M. (2014). “Grasping Scientific News: The use of science journalism models to clarify the impacts of alternative forms of production,” Journalism Practice, in press. (Online first)
  • Longstaff, H., Secko, D. M. (2014). “Assessing the quality of a deliberative democracy mini-public event about advanced biofuel production and development in Canada,” Public Understanding of Science, in press (online first DOI: 10.1177/0963662514545014).
  • Secko, D. M., Einsiedel, E. (2014). “The biofuels quadrilemma, public perceptions and policy,” Biofuels, 5(3): 207-209.
  • Secko, D. M., Roos, N. (2014). “Health Policy Journalism in Canada: Experience from EvidenceNetwork.ca,” in First Do No Harm: Reporting on Health and Healthcare (ed. John Lister), Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing (pp. 57-65).
  • Secko, D. M., Burgess, M. M. (2014). “Assessing Moral Perspectives on the Technical Application of a Fish’s DNA: An Interview Study with Salmon Genomic Researchers,” in Iconic Species: Cod and Salmon and Social Issues in Genomic Science(eds. Keith Culver and Kieran O’Doherty), Concord, Ontario: Captus University Publications.
  • Secko, D. M., Fleury, J-M. (2014). “1st Kavli Symposium on the Future of Science Journalism, Detailed Report.” Report prepared for the World Federation of Science Journalism. Available at: http://www.kavlifoundation.org/sites/default/files/image/news/Final_DetailedReport_KavliSym_2014.pdf



  • Secko, D. M. (2012). “One Topic, Two Stories: Insights from Experimental Journalism on a Fish’s DNA, Cahiers du journalisme, No.24: 50-71.
  • Amend, E., Secko, D. M. (2012). “In the face of critique: A qualitative meta-synthesis of the experiences of journalists covering health and science,” Science Communication, 34(2): 241-282.
  • Secko, D. M. (2012). “Swimming with salmon: The use of journalism to public engagement initiatives on emerging biotechnologies,” in Public Engagement and Emerging Technologies (eds. Enda Einsiedel and Kieran O’Doherty), Vancouver: UBC Press (pp. 211-228).
  • Novin, A., Secko, D. M. (2012). “Debate Cited: A First Exploration of a Web Application to Enhance the Production of Science Journalism with Journalism Students,” Conference Proceedings of the Journalism Interest Group (Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, May 30 to June 1, Waterloo, Ontario, 2012), available at: http://cca.kingsjournalism.com/?p=171
  • Burgess, M., O’Doherty, K., Secko, D. M. (2012). “Human Tissue Biobanking in B.C”, CIHR’s Citizen Engagement in Health Casebook, p. 61-64.
  • Cooper, M., Morrison, K., Einsiedel, E., Adams, J., Tran, S. L., Hoffman, E., Secko, D. M. (2012). “World Wide Views Canada on Biodiversity. Final Report.” Report prepared for the World Wide Views on Biodiversity project. http://biodiversity.wwviews.org/canada/
  • Joseph, S., Hanney, P., Amend, E., Capurro de Dargent, G., Hoffman, E., Longstaff, H., Secko, D. M. (2012). “Advanced Biofuels: A Public Deliberation. An Information Booklet,” Concordia Science Journalism Project, Concordia University.


  • Secko, D. M., Tlalka, S., Kingdon, A., Dunlop, M., Amend, E. (2011). “The Unfinished Science Story: Journalist-Audience Interactions from the Globe and Mail’s Online Health and Science Sections,” Journalism 12(7): 814-831.
  • Amend, E., Secko, D. M. (2011). “Final Report: Planting Our Fuel: Will Science Feed or Kick our Energy Consumption” World Café on Biofuels, Concordia University.
  • Gualtieri, L., Hanney, P., McIntyre, T., Secko, D. M. (2011). “Sustainable Development, Bioenergy and Education: Experiences in collaboration and communication for promoting environmentally sustainable biofuel development,” in World Trends in Education for Sustainable Development (eds. Leal Filho, W) New York: Peter Lang.


  • Longstaff, H., Secko, D. M. (2010). “Canadian news media influence on biobank deliberations,” Journal of Health and Mass Communication 2(1-4): 73-95.
  • O’Doherty, K., Burgess, M., Secko, D.M. (2010). “Sequencing the Salmon Genome: A Deliberative Public Engagement,” Genomics, Society and Policy 6(1): 16-33.
  • Amend, E., Secko, D. M. (2010). “Focus on Method: An Approach to the Qualitative Metasynthesis of the Experiences of Journalists Covering Health and Science,” Conference Proceedings of Journalism Interest Group (Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Montreal, June 1-3, 2010). Available at: http://cca.kingsjournalism.com/?p=27
  • Secko, D. M., Smith, W. (2010). “Health journalism: Fracturing concerns and building reflective capacity with a deliberative lens,” Canadian Journal of Communication 35(2):


  • Secko, D. M. (2009). “Science Journalism in a Connected Future,” J-Source.ca, December 4.
  • Secko, D. M., Gabrial, B., Bacon, S. (2009). “Final Report: Is Good Health Reporting an Oxymoron,” Health Journalism Workshop, Concordia University.
  • Secko, D. M., Cohen, E. (2009). “Salmon genes, discuss,” The Tyee, March 23.
  • Secko, D. M. (2009). “The unfinished science story: reflections on journalist-audience interactions in the online environment,” Journal of Media Practice 10(2&3): 259-266.
  • Smith, W., Secko, D. M. (2009). “Lost in Translation: Science journalists and society,” JSource.ca, February 10.
  • Secko, D. M., Preto, N., Niemeyer, S., Burgess, M.M. (2009). “Informed Consent in Biobank Research: A Deliberative Approach to the Debate,” Social Science and Medicine 68: 781-789.


  • Secko, D. M., Burgess, M.M., O’Doherty, K. (2008). “Perspectives on Engaging the Public in the Ethics of Emerging Biotechnologies: From Salmon to Biobanks to Neuroethics,” Accountability in Research 15(4): 283-302.
  • Secko, D. M. (2008). “A Mix between Education and Stand-up Comedy: Conversations with Science Journalists on their Role in Society,” Sciencejournalism.net, May 10.
  • Burgess, M.M., O’Doherty, K., Secko, D. M. (2008). “Biobanking in BC: Enhancing discussions of the future of personalized medicine through deliberative public engagement,” Personalized Medicine 5(3): 285-296.