Fishing and Farming Iconic Species
New book released with research from Canadian salmon genomic projects
New book released with research from Canadian salmon genomic projects
Watch a recent Global News Montreal interview with David Secko
Final report from the event "Pitfalls in Health Policy Reporting" posted.
New Study published on a thematic review of best practices in environment journalism.
New Study published in Journalism Practice on the practical use of models of science journalism.
Dr. Secko is always interested in speaking with prospective graduate students and research assistants that wish to study with the Concordia Science Journalism Project. Prospective graduate students interested in completing a MA thesis with Dr. Secko need to first be accepted into the MA program in Journalism Studies in the Department of Journalism atConcordia University. Students interested in Ph.D. [...]
'Advanced Biofuels: A Public Deliberation' is an upcoming public deliberation involving 25 people from the Montreal area.
Apply to participate in an innovative international public consultation on biodiversity. To be held September 15, 2012, in Montreal.
The future looks brighter with the promise of biofuels, but there may be unintended consequences that must be assessed first.